Veteran Specific FAQ  |  Motor Vehicle Accident Patient FAQs  |  Grow-Your-Own Specific FAQs

Here is a comprehensive list of the most common questions we receive from patients, including Motor Vehicle Accident patients, Veterans and those interested in a Grow-Your-License.

General FAQs

Do I need a referral?

No, we do not require you to have a referral to obtain a medical cannabis prescription. We do recommend reaching out to your family physician to discuss medical cannabis, and we’re happy to send reports to them if requested.

Is there a fee?

Our services for obtaining a medical cannabis prescription are completely free!

Do I need to come into an office to meet with a Nurse Practitioner?

Your appointment and our white-glove patient services provided over a virtual platform, or over the phone depending on your preference.

Who writes my cannabis prescription?

Your cannabis treatment and prescription will be completed by a Nurse Practitioner with years of experience in medical cannabis management.

How long will it take to get the medical cannabis, from the time I submit an intake form?

We try to make this process as simple and easy as possible, by providing white-glove patient services. Depending on the day you submit your intake form, we should be able to book your virtual appointment to obtain a prescription within a week. Registered with a Licensed Producer (LP) to purchase from can take between 1 and 7 days.

I don’t want to smoke, how can I use medical cannabis?

Medical cannabis is available in many different formats, including oils, soft gels, edibles and topical creams. Find out more about the different product formats available in our guide Medical Cannabis 101.

How much does medical cannabis usually cost?

The price and average cost vary based on the producer, strain and form. You can typically expect to pay between $5-12 per gram. Most Licensed Producers (LP) have discounts and special pricing available for low-income households, seniors and First Responders.

Why do I need MMC? Can’t my family physician write me a prescription?

As easy as it sounds to simply have your family physician write you a prescription, unfortunately, it just isn’t that easy. We find that many physicians and specialists are unwilling to provide this service for their patients either because they are unfamiliar with the process or are not comfortable. Not only this, but most physicians aren’t familiar with how to use or dose the products which means your treatment isn’t as effective as it could be.

Why do I need a prescription if cannabis is legal?

There are many benefits to being a medical cannabis patient versus self-medicating. Here are a few of our favourite reasons:

  • Medical cannabis can be written off, and is applicable for tax returns.
  • Compassionate pricing, discounts for Seniors and other groups are available from Licensed Producers.
  • Ordering is all done online, with the products being shipped directly to your door by Canada Post or Purolator.
  • Medical cannabis products have a wider variety of CBD dominant products available and often have other rapid on-set formats not available in the recreational market.
  • By obtaining a medical cannabis prescription, your treatment will be supervised by one of our specialized Nurse Practitioners. If any of your practitioners want to be kept updated on your treatment, we’re happy to send them informed with reports.
  • Medical cannabis patients often report a reduction in other prescription medications like opioids, etc.

Can I drive while under the influence of medical cannabis?

The Highway Traffic act states that you cannot operate a vehicle while under the influence, particularly with THC. According to the Ontario Medical Association (OMA), individuals will not be subject to Ontario’s zero-tolerance drug requirements for young, novice, and commercial drivers if a police officer is satisfied that they are legally authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes. Please ask our team of patient advisers if you would like more information.

Can I travel outside of Canada with medical cannabis?

It is currently illegal to cross international borders with cannabis, regardless of whether you have a prescription.

Can I travel within Canada with medical cannabis?

Absolutely! You must keep the cannabis in its original packaging, and we recommend reaching out to our team of patient advisers to obtain a copy of your prescription to travel with.

What is an LP or Licensed Producer?

These are companies legally authorized by Health Canada to sell medical cannabis products on their online stores, where a prescription is required to enter and purchase products. They create innovative, lab-tested products for both medical and recreational cannabis needs. 

Veteran Specific FAQ

I’m a Veteran, I’ve heard Veterans Affairs will cover the cost of medical cannabis?

Yes, we have found that Veterans Affairs will cover most of the costs associated with medical Cannabis use including some accessories. Contact us and we can help you with all of the forms required by Veterans Affairs Canada.

Motor Vehicle Accident Patient FAQs

How do I know if I qualify for medical cannabis coverage after my auto accident?

Do you currently have an open claim with your auto insurer based on injuries from an auto accident? Then you could be covered for treatment of your injuries.

If you’re still unsure, we always recommend reaching out to your legal team (if you have one) or directly to the adjuster assigned to your case. You can also reach out to our team, we’re happy to help.

What is an OCF18? Why does it allow you to order for me?

An OCF18 is a formal treatment plan that we (MMC) completes and submits to officially request coverage through your insurance company. By having an approved OCF-18, MMC can purchase your cannabis products and then be reimbursed by your insurance company. This treatment plan is completed with a combination of previous medical history, current injuries and ailments caused by your MVA and medical cannabis treatment suggestions.

The plan allows us to request coverage for our administrative services (completion of the OCF18, education and care counselling), 3 check-ins by a Registered Nurse to ensure your plan is as efficient as possible and a set amount of medical cannabis based on the amount our Nurse Practitioner recommended.

Is there a fee for your services?

Only if coverage is denied by your insurer. We have an administrative fee of $200 that is only required to be paid if the OCF18 treatment plan is declined by your insurance company, as this fee would have been covered by the insurer had the OCF18 been approved. We typically will request your legal team to guarantee this $200 fee, but if you do not have a legal team, we can discuss your options on a case-by-case basis.

Grow-Your-Own Specific FAQs

How are plant counts determined for medical patients?

The main determining factor is the prescription you receive from your Healthcare Practitioner. Your plant count directly relates to the amount of grams your doctor prescribes you per day. The higher the gram amount, the higher the plant count.

Indoor Plant Counts vs Outdoor Plant counts? What’s the difference?

The number of plants you’re allowed with a medical license to grow your own also depends on where you plan on growing. Health Canada allows for more indoor plants since these tend to be much smaller in size than outdoor plants.

Are there any fees?

Yes, the administrative fee for an initial grow-your-own license is $225 (tax incl.). This will cover administrative fees for a 12-month period. Upon renewal, the administrative fee will be $200 per renewal (tax incl.). This administrative fee includes all of the following services for the year:

  • Temporary prescription to Licensed Producers until you’re approved by Health Canada for first-time growers
  • Help filling out the application form
  • Delivery of original medical document, including postage
  • Tips and tricks on how to grow cannabis
  • Reminders of when to renew

Ready for your medical cannabis prescription?